Current Issue
The journal Bioética UNAM, published by the University Program of Bioethics of the UNAM, is apublication dedicated to communicating the results of research on this discipline at the nationaland international level.
Bioética UNAM publishes content that addresses the ethics of topics in the biomedical andbiological sciences, environmental problems and our relationship with animals. Also publishes textswith cutting-edge analyses (decolonial, feminist, sexual diversity approaches, among others) ofethical, legal, political, and artistic issues that affect areas of bioethical interest, as well as thefundamental concepts, principles, and theories on these topics.
It is aimed at people dedicated to research, teaching and dissemination of bioethics, as well asresearchers who are starting their academic careers.
Theoretical and empirical articles
The journal Bioética UNAM, published by the University Program of Bioethics of the UNAM, is a publication dedicated to communicating the results of research on this discipline at the national and international level.
Bioética UNAM publishes content that addresses the ethics of topics in the biomedical and biological sciences, environmental problems and our relationship with animals. Also publishes texts with cutting-edge analyses (decolonial, feminist, sexual diversity approaches, among others) of ethical, legal, political, and artistic issues that affect areas of bioethical interest, as well as the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories on these topics.
It is aimed at people dedicated to research, teaching and dissemination of bioethics, as well as researchers who are starting their academic careers.